Open Letter to the Vaccinated: When Will You Stand Up for Your Unvaccinated Friends and Family?

Lawrence Lefcort
4 min readAug 30, 2021

In the middle of a long-overdue catch-up call, an old and dear friend of mine who happens to be vaccinated asked me, “What are you going to do when you’re not allowed into restaurants, theatres, and other sporting or concert venues?” He was referring to Quebec’s vaccine passport system that will come into effect on September 1, 2021. It bans unvaccinated people from going to the movies, restaurants, bars, and from traveling on any domestic bus, train, or airplane, among many other activities.

I replied, “Well, hopefully, my fellow citizens will stand up for my fundamental rights and demand that this form of coercion, persecution and medical segregation be terminated.”

“I don’t think that’s happening,” he replied.

“Well, I would stand up for you, Danny,” I said.


After we hung up, I got to thinking. Will there ever be a point at which vaccinated people finally stand up for the rights of those who choose not to get injected? I ask the following questions directly to those who have opted for the experimental mRNA injection:

When Will Enough Be Enough?

How long are you willing to remain silent while your unvaccinated friends, family, and loved ones are excluded from society and systematically denied basic rights of pleasure, freedom, and perhaps movement? When will enough be enough?

I mean, we all have a brother, a sister, a son or a daughter, a dear friend, a niece or nephew, a grandchild, and maybe even a spouse who has refused the injection for whatever reason. And after September 1st, in Quebec as in many places, they will not be permitted to engage in an extensive array of public and social activities. Many will lose their jobs as a result of their decision not to take the mRNA injection.

And you may feel that these restrictions are entirely justified despite the fact that vaccine passports are a blatant infringement on fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in:

  • The Hippocratic Oath
  • The Nuremberg Code (1947)
  • The First Amendment, U.S. Constitution
  • Canadian Medical Law
  • The Council of Europe, resolution 2361
  • The Geneva Declaration (1948)
  • The Helsinki Declaration (1996), article 25

When Will It Go Too Far?

Is there a point at which the restrictions on unvaccinated people’s freedom will go too far? In Australia, for example, those who have refused the injection are not permitted to travel more than five or six kilometers from their homes and are forbidden to travel within other states and abroad. Should that come to pass in your own country, will you stand up for the unvaccinated then?

And how long will these restrictions go on? How long can you deny 10–20% of the population equal participation in society? What if the government eventually realizes that they cannot perpetually exclude unvaccinated people from society, and proposes separate bus and train compartments, theatres, and restaurants for the unvaccinated? This would require, obviously, some sort of badge or outward display of one’s vaccination status. Would you accept unvaccinated people being relegated to second-class citizens and forced to walk around with an unvaxxed badge on their wrist or sleeve?

Certain extremist politicians have even called for the unvaccinated to be taken to special “camps” to protect society. Would you stay silent on this measure as well? Let us not forget that only a year ago, the notion of vaccine passports was considered “impossible” and one entirely fabricated by paranoid “conspiracy theorists”. Well, now it has come to pass.

What Kind of Society Do You Want to Live In?

When it comes to questions of personal choice, vaccine mandates, and medical passports, the question we all need to ask ourselves is this: Will we allow our present fear to drive us back into a dark realm of inhumane coercion, not unlike the one that existed in Europe during the Second World War?

Mainstream media is now rife with articles and opinion pieces demonizing, shunning, and vilifying those who have refused to take the injection. These pieces propose all kinds of added measures, including denying hospital and medical care to the unvaccinated. How much is too much for you? Is this really the society you want to live in? Is this the normal you so desperately want to get back to?

I wonder, how do you feel as you watch friends and loved ones being stripped of their rights and denied participation in key sectors of society? Does it move you at all to know that they will lose their jobs and their livelihoods unless they comply? Or that they won’t be able to take their kids swimming at the pool anymore? Or register them for hockey. Or eat out with friends at a restaurant (even on a terrasse)?

You may disagree 100% with people’s reasons for refusing the injection, and you may even think they are nuts or selfish (or insert any other negative trait here) for doing so. But to stay silent when people you care about are being illegally punished and coerced by the state for choosing not to inject a substance into their bodies (and those of their children) for whatever reason, to not stand up amid these gross violations of fundamental rights, freedoms, and human dignity is tantamount to being complicit with it.

My last question to you…how can it be so?



Lawrence Lefcort

Writer, seeker of truth, peacemaker, and aspiring bodhisattva